Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Avengers Assemble

The journey to a dream, much like a good summer movie, is a fantastic adventure, riddled with challenges and obstacles to overcome, and characters that become a part of your story along the way. On my journey, I experienced a lot of ups and downs, and moments of wondering if things were going to come together the way I had envisioned. This journey required individuals with all sorts of talents, skills, and abilities, talents, skills, and abilities that I did not possess. There was no way that this was something that I could bring together, or make happen on my own. To make my dream a reality this past year I had to assemble my own personal dream team of, "musical", +Avengers.

Without these guys, and gals, whom I like to refer to as my musical fusion family, nothing that we accomplished would have been possible, and I am forever grateful to all of them for their help and contributions to this adventure. The world of music and entertainment is filled with all kinds of teams and partnerships that have helped to make each other better, and provide the world with a great by product as a result. From +Michael Jackson and +Quincy Jones to +Justin Timberlake and +Timbaland, the world of music was blessed with amazing sounds that we may have never experienced had these individuals turned teams never "assembled." 

I write all this to say that whatever dream it is that you have in your heart to accomplish, that dream is going to require a team of people to help make it possible. The cool thing is that a good portion of that team is already located within your inner circle of people. That's where I found mine. I was fortunate and blessed to be able to go on this journey with my friends, and that made the experience that much more rewarding for me. Along the way people that I had never met became part of the journey, and my life, but I started with what I had available to me. So start "assembling" your team now, and bring something great to the world!